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Texas MasoniCon 2019
Texas MasoniCon 2019
Jul 27, 2019, 8:00 AM
1100 Henderson St


Texas MasoniCon is an annual Masonic educational conference, and brings together interested Brothers looking for more light in Masonry with knowledgeable authors and dignitaries from around the country.


Our keynote speakers for our inaugural convention were three distinguished Masonic authors: Bro. Michael Poll is the founder of Cornerstone Publishing, V.E. Piers Vaughan is Past Grand High Priest of New York, and Bro. Chuck Dunning is the founding Superintendent of the Academy of Reflection. 


There will be multiple breakout sessions throughout the morning and early afternoon.

You can choose to attend a session with each one of our six different workshop speakers, or sit in multiple sessions with the same presenter.

Our guest speakers for 2018 were experts in Masonic leadership and education. They were:

  • Brad Billings - PM, Texas Lodge of Research

  • David Bindel - PM, Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge

  • Larry Fitzpatrick - Past Grand Orator, GL of TX

  • Pete Normand - PM, Texas Lodge of Research

  • Roberto Sanchez - author The True Masonic Experience

  • John Tolbert - past DDGM

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